Rose Mccaig | Family Law
McCAIG Law Office
(617) 828-9200
200 Berkeley St,
Floor 19
Rose Mccaig | McCAIG Law Office
Firm Summary
As founder of McCAIG LAW OFFICES, Rose Ellen McCaig has spent over 20 years developing and refining her law firm and consistently maintains exceptionally high standards in the practice of Domestic Relations, Business Law, and related areas.
Rose Ellen listens carefully, understands what is truly important to each client, and develops a case plan that empowers and enables him or her to move forward in a positive and successful way long after the case is over. MLO’s arrow logo symbolizes this approach.
An accomplished, dynamic negotiator and litigator, Rose Ellen has represented clients in almost every county in Massachusetts including regular representation of clients on Nantucket. She has a high success rate in court while always protecting her client’s integrity.
Whether the situation calls for an aggressive trial strategy or a less adversarial one, Rose Ellen’s clear, confident vision and straightforward style move the process forward toward the best possible conclusion.
On a personal note, Rose Ellen brings an additional, unique perspective to the practice of law. With a background in athletic training, she is even more equipped to help her clients define goals and accomplish them. She can overcome obstacles or limitations and deals fearlessly and effectively with high-conflict and other challenging personality types.