Julie Weinstein | Family Law
Rockland County Women’s Bar Association
Julie Weinstein | Rockland County Women’s Bar Association
Firm Summary
In 1984, three women attorneys met for lunch to discuss whether it made sense to form a women’s bar association in Rockland County. Each of the three women thought there were just a handful of women attorneys in the County, but after brainstorming they came up with a list of about 20. These other attorneys were contacted and at a meeting of this larger group of women, interest in forming a women’s bar association was again discussed. As a result of that meeting a list of approximately 50 women attorneys was developed. A larger meeting was then held in the Grand Jury Room of the Rockland County District Attorney’s office. The presidents of the Orange-Sullivan chapter and Westchester chapter attended the meeting, explained the benefits of forming a women’s bar association, answered our questions and gave us advice.